Signs your organisation needs to up its internal comms game (and ways you can improve it)

Published 21/11/2023
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The importance of effective internal communications has been magnified in recent times, especially in the wake of the pandemic.
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With a significant shift towards remote working, maintaining clear and efficient communication within an organisation is not just beneficial but essential. Effective internal comms ensure that every team member, regardless of their location or job rank, is aligned with the company's vision and objectives, fostering a cohesive and productive working environment.

Here’s a look at some of the symptoms of a poor internal communications strategy. 

Lack of Clarity on Business Vision and Goals

A telling sign that your organisation needs to enhance its internal comms is when staff and management appear unclear about the company’s vision and goals. If employees are frequently questioning the direction in which they are headed or the purpose behind their tasks, it’s a clear indication that the messaging from the top is not effectively trickling down through the ranks.

Invisible Leadership

Leadership visibility is crucial in any organisation. An "invisible" leadership, where senior figures are seldom seen or heard from, can lead to a disconnect between management and staff. This gap often results in a lack of direction, motivation, and a sense of isolation, especially in a remote working setup.

Psychological Safety Issues

Psychological safety in the workplace means employees feel comfortable voicing their opinions and concerns without fear of retribution. If your workforce is hesitant to speak up or share ideas, it could be a sign of inadequate internal comms fostering an environment where employees do not feel valued or heard.

Low Staff Engagement and Lack of Recognition

Engagement and recognition go hand in hand in creating a positive work culture. When internal comms are lacking, employees often feel underappreciated and disconnected, leading to reduced motivation and engagement. Regular communication that recognises and celebrates achievements can significantly boost morale and productivity.

Tools to Improve Internal Comms

As the business landscape continues to evolve, HR and business leaders are constantly seeking effective tools to enhance the frequency and quality of communications with employees. Here are some key approaches to consider:

Digital Communication Platforms: Platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom facilitate real-time communication and collaboration. These tools can be used for everything from daily check-ins to company-wide announcements, ensuring that everyone is on the same page, irrespective of their physical location.

Employee Feedback Systems: Implementing systems like anonymous surveys or suggestion boxes can provide employees with a voice, contributing to psychological safety and engagement. Regular feedback collection and response show employees that their opinions are valued and considered in decision-making processes.

Internal Social Networks: Social networks such as Yammer or Workplace from Facebook create a more relaxed space for employees to interact, share ideas, and celebrate milestones. These platforms can help in breaking down silos within an organisation and encourage a sense of community and belonging.

Training and Development Programs: Offering training on effective communication skills can be a game-changer. This not only improves the quality of interactions between employees but also equips them with the skills to express their ideas and concerns more effectively.

Regular Town Hall Meetings: Scheduled town hall meetings, whether virtual or in-person, provide a platform for leadership to communicate with the entire workforce. These meetings are opportunities for leaders to reinforce the company's vision, acknowledge achievements, and address any concerns.

Personalized Communication: Lastly, a one-size-fits-all approach rarely works in internal communications. Tailoring the communication style to suit different groups within the organisation can lead to more effective and meaningful interactions.

Incorporating these tools and strategies can significantly enhance the way HR and business leaders communicate internally. By doing so, organisations can foster a more connected, engaged, and productive workforce.

Next Steps to Improve Internal Comms

If your organisation exhibits any of the symptoms of poor internal comms – from unclear business objectives to a lack of employee engagement – it may be time for an internal comms health check. Revitalising your internal communications strategy with the aid of a specialist Internal Communications Agency can transform the way information flows within your organisation. Such a strategy not only aligns everyone with the company's vision but also fosters a more engaged and motivated workforce, crucial for business success in today's dynamic work environment.

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About The Author

Arthur Wilson is a marketing consultant and writer across digital, business strategy and HR. He is a regular contributor to The Entrepreneur and small business advisor for Enterprise Nation.

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