The Hazards of Building Your App With Bubble: Steer Clear of These Pitfalls While Building Your Application Without Code

Published 13/05/2024
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Inexperience in no-code building will almost inevitably lead to what inexperience almost always leads to: mediocre (at best) results.
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Let's face it. is an amazing platform that allows just about anyone with a cool idea to jump in and start building.

Therein, however, lies the rub.

Inexperience in no-code building will almost inevitably lead to what inexperience almost always leads to: mediocre (at best) results.

In this article, I'm going to outline the biggest obstacles you need to overcome to take advantage of Bubble's awesome potential.

Bubble vs. ChatGPT: Managing Expectations

We've started to get spoiled.

Thanks to all of the new AI tools, we are starting to expect magical results, but there are limits (at least for now).

When venturing into the realm of app development, understanding the tools at your disposal is crucial.

In this context, Bubble and an AI like ChatGPT represent two very different paths. Let's explore how they diverge and set realistic expectations for those looking to create with Bubble.

Differences Between Bubble and ChatGPT in App Development

Bubble is a no-code platform that empowers individuals to build applications without writing code, while ChatGPT is an AI language model designed to understand and generate human-like text based on prompts.

With Bubble, users can drag and drop elements to design their app's interface and use visual programming to define logic. On the other hand, ChatGPT interacts through conversation, providing information or generating content based on its training data.

While Bubble offers a platform for constructing an app from the ground up, ChatGPT can assist in generating content or automating parts of an app but not in building the app itself.

In the future, Bubble may release automation functionalities that further leverage AI features to streamline the process of creating an app on the platform.

Even when that day arrives, all of the tips and pitfalls mentioned in this article will still remain true.

Setting Realistic Expectations with Bubble

As you embark on your Bubble journey, approach it with patience and a pragmatic mindset.

Anticipate a learning curve as you familiarize yourself with the platform's capabilities and limitations. Understand that while Bubble simplifies the app development process, it doesn't eliminate the complexities of creating a functional and appealing application.

Be prepared to invest time in tutorials, community forums, and perhaps even some trial and error as you bring your vision to life.

Success with Bubble comes to those who plan carefully and adapt flexibly.

And please remember: "No-code does not mean no work!"

Getting Started with Bubble: Navigating the Initial Phase

Embarking on the journey of building an app with Bubble, the no-code platform, is akin to setting sail on a vast digital ocean. With its user-friendly interface and drag-and-drop functionality, Bubble brings the thrill of app creation to your fingertips without the need for intricate coding knowledge.

However, as with any voyage, there are navigational aids one must learn in order to steer clear of potential pitfalls.

Embracing the Ease of No-Code Development

One of Bubble's most significant advantages is its accessibility to those without a technical background. The platform empowers users to construct complex, fully functional applications by visually manipulating elements on the screen.

This means you can design, develop, and launch your app using a single tool, which simplifies the process considerably.

But don't be fooled by the simplicity; while getting started is straightforward, creating an app that functions well and meets your objectives still requires careful planning and a solid understanding of Bubble's capabilities.

Common Pitfalls for New Users

As newcomers navigate through Bubble's plethora of features, they may encounter challenges such as overwhelming options, feature overload, or analysis paralysis.

A common misconception is that no-code platforms eliminate all complexities of app development, which is not the case.

Without proper guidance, new users might find themselves lost in a sea of functionalities, struggling to piece together their vision into a working app. Additionally, neglecting the importance of a scalable structure from the onset could lead to more significant issues down the line.

Tips for Effective Navigation in Bubble

To ensure a smooth sailing experience, start with a clear plan.

Before you dive into building, take the time to sketch out your app's purpose, target audience, and core features. Next, familiarize yourself with Bubble's tutorials and resources; these are invaluable compasses that can guide you through the initial learning curve. Breaking down your project into manageable phases can also help maintain focus and direction. Here are a few practical tips:

  • Use templates for your first couple of applications: Bubble offers a variety of templates that can serve as a starting point and inspire your project's design. In the end, many templates come with a certain amount of "bloat" that isn't optimal. But using them for your first couple of applications is likely going to be more beneficial than harmful.
  • Start small: Begin with a minimal viable product (MVP) and gradually add features as you become more comfortable with the platform.
  • Engage with the community: Bubble has an active community where you can seek advice, share experiences, and find solutions to common problems.
  • Stay organized: Keep your workflows and elements labeled and structured to avoid confusion as your app grows. Learn about reusable elements and custom events.

As you progress through the development process, remember that building an app with Bubble is an iterative process.

Test frequently, gather feedback, and be prepared to make adjustments along the way. By steering clear of the initial challenges and utilizing the platform's extensive resources, you'll be well on your way to launching an app that not only functions well but also brings your unique idea to life.

The Impact of Design and Architecture: Building a Solid Foundation

When embarking on the adventure of app development, particularly on a no-code platform like Bubble, the significance of sound design and architecture cannot be overstated. It's the backbone of your digital creation, much like the keel of a ship is to its stability and performance.

Good design isn't just about aesthetics; it's about creating a robust foundation that guides the functionality and user experience of your app.

Significance of Good Design and Architecture

Good design and architecture serve as the roadmap for your application.

They dictate how well your app performs under stress, how scalable it can be, and ultimately, how successful it will become.

A thoughtful design strategy considers the future, anticipating user needs and technology evolution.

Without this solid base, even the most brilliant app idea may falter, unable to withstand the pressures of real-world application.

In my article, "A Deep Dive into the Architecture of a Successful Application - What You Need to Consider" I reveal all of the aspects of a solid Bubble application architecture.

Consequences of Poor Design Choices

Poor design choices can be the Achilles' heel for a great app concept.

They can lead to confusing navigation, sluggish performance, and a frustrating user experience. These issues can deter users from returning to your app, undermining the potential success it could have achieved.

It's essential to recognize that every design decision has a ripple effect, impacting not only the immediate interaction but also the long-term viability and adaptability of your app.

Avoiding Design and Architecture Pitfalls in Bubble Development

To avoid the pitfalls associated with poor design and architecture in Bubble development, begin with a clear understanding of the end goal. Map out your user journey, prioritize ease of use, and maintain a laser focus on delivering value.

Here are some practical steps to ensure you're on the right track:

  • Plan Before You Build: Spend time sketching out your app's structure and flow. This will save you time and headaches later on.
  • Use Templates Wisely: While Bubble's templates can give you a head start, customize them to fit your unique needs.
  • Iterate and Test: Continuously test your design with real users and be prepared to iterate based on feedback.
  • Keep Learning: Stay updated with the latest design trends and best practices. Bubble's community forums and online resources are invaluable for this.
  • Be careful with plugins: Sometimes using a Bubble plugin can really up your game. But all too often, they can bloat up your application while not actually producing much value.

By adhering to these guidelines, you'll be more likely to create an app that not only looks good but also provides a seamless and intuitive experience for your users.

Scalability and Database Design: Planning for Growth

As your app gains traction, scalability becomes the cornerstone of its longevity. But what is scalability in the context of app development, and how does it intertwine with database design? Let's dive in.

Understanding Scalability in App Development

Scalability is the capability of an app to handle a growing number of customers or clients, or to potentially expand its functionalities.

Imagine a bridge designed to support a certain amount of traffic. As the number of vehicles increases over time, the bridge must maintain structural integrity. Similarly, an app should perform well under increased loads, whether from more users or more data.

The Role of Database Design in Scalability

A well-structured database is like a well-organized library.

It allows you to find information quickly and efficiently. Conversely, a poor database design can result in slow retrieval times and a sluggish app experience as the user base grows. This is akin to a library where books are scattered and finding a specific title takes hours.

For Bubble applications, where the back-end process is simplified, the onus of designing a robust, scalable database rests heavily on the developers' shoulders.

Best Practices for Scalable Database Design

  • Normalization: Organize your data into tables to minimize redundancy. Like chapters in a book, this structure makes information easier to update and query.
  • Queries (do a search for): Write efficient queries. A clear, concise question often gets a quicker answer than one that's vague and convoluted.
  • Avoid advanced searches: Unless it is absolutely necessary avoid using the :filtered and Advanced search functionalities of Bubble. Remember that these functions are executed in the user's browser.
  • Privacy Rules: Implement privacy rules for your most important tables. Remember that Bubble filters through privacy rules before your query is executed.

Each of these strategies is crucial for ensuring that your app remains responsive and capable as it scales up. With thoughtful database design, your Bubble app can not only grow but thrive as it attracts more users and processes more data. Remember, your app's foundation determines its future; build it strong.

Interface Design: Enhancing User Experience

The Vital Role of Interface Design

The first interaction a user has with an app is through its interface.

This meeting point between user and technology is where function meets form, and it's crucial in making an app not just operational, but usable. A clean and intuitive interface design can mean the difference between an app that's a pleasure to use and one that's quickly forgotten.

The key lies in understanding that good interface design is not just about aesthetics; it’s about creating a seamless path for users to solve their problems.

Common Pitfalls of Interface Design in Bubble Apps

When using Bubble, a no-code development platform, the importance of interface design doesn't diminish.

If anything, it becomes even more critical since the platform offers vast customization options that, when misused, can lead to poor user experiences. Common issues include cluttered layouts, inconsistent color schemes, and non-intuitive navigation.

These problems can frustrate users, leading to decreased engagement and possibly even tarnishing the app's reputation.

Guidelines for User-Friendly Interface Design

To create an interface that enhances user experience, here are some guidelines:

  • Keep it Simple: Simplify your design by removing unnecessary elements. This helps users focus on what's important.
  • Consistency is Key: Maintain consistent styling across buttons, fonts, and colors to help users learn your app's interface quicker. Use Bubble's style variables and functionalities.
  • Intuitive Navigation: Ensure that moving through your app feels natural. Place elements where users expect them to be.
  • Accessible to All: Design with accessibility in mind so that everyone, including users with disabilities, can have a good experience.
  • Feedback Loops: Give users immediate feedback for their actions. If they press a button, make sure something happens to acknowledge their action.

By adhering to these principles, you can greatly enhance the usability of your Bubble application, ensuring that users not only stay engaged but also spread the word about their positive experience.

Workflow Design: Ensuring Maintainability

Impact of Workflow Design on Application Maintainability

Maintainability is a cornerstone of successful app development.

A well-designed workflow can mean the difference between an application that evolves with ease and one that becomes a tangled web of indecipherable workflows.

In Bubble, where no-code simplicity is key, the workflow design directly influences how quickly an app can be updated, debugged, or enhanced. Without a clear and maintainable workflow, developers may find themselves in a maze of inefficient processes, leading to increased costs and delayed updates.

Risks of Poor Workflow Design in Bubble

When working within the Bubble environment, poor workflow design can lead to several risks.

These include reduced app performance, higher chances of bugs slipping through the cracks, and difficulty in onboarding new team members. Such design flaws often result in more time spent troubleshooting than improving or scaling the application, which can be frustrating for both developers and users alike.

It also means that you'll be spending more of your limited resources putting out fires than actually improving your application.

Strategies for Optimizing Workflow Design

To ensure your Bubble app remains easy to maintain, consider the following strategies:

  • Modular Design: Break down workflows into smaller, reusable components. This not only makes the process more manageable but also allows for easier updates and testing. For this, use custom events.
  • Documentation: Keep detailed records of the workflows you create. Documentation acts as a roadmap for any future developers and is invaluable for troubleshooting and training purposes.
  • Consistency: Establish and adhere to naming conventions and design patterns. Consistency reduces the learning curve for new team members and simplifies maintenance.

By implementing these strategies, developers can create a sustainable framework that embodies the ease and agility of no-code development with Bubble, while also ensuring long-term viability and growth potential for their applications.

Implementation Techniques: Optimizing Performance

In the world of app development, performance is king.

A snappy, responsive application keeps users engaged, while a sluggish interface can send them running for the hills—or at least to the competition.

That's why it's critical to implement efficient techniques that enhance your app's performance.

Let's consider how these techniques can significantly boost the speed and efficiency of your Bubble-built application.

To get the most out of your Bubble application, be sure to read my in-depth article, "The Ultimate Guide to Bubble Performance: Tips for Faster Page Load Speeds".

Why Efficient Implementation Matters

Imagine waiting for a slow elevator in a tall building; frustration builds with every passing second.

Similarly, an app that lags or freezes can tarnish user experience and credibility.

When developers overlook performance optimization, they risk reduced user retention and negative reviews, which can be detrimental to an app's success. Efficient implementation is the difference between an app that feels like a sleek sports car and one that feels like a clunky old wagon.

The Price of Poor Performance

Poor implementation practices can lead to numerous problems.

These include slow load times, unresponsive features, and even crashes.

Such issues not only annoy users but also strain resources, as the server has to work harder to compensate for inefficient code. This extra load can increase operational costs and decrease the app's capacity to handle growing traffic, which is particularly problematic for businesses scaling up their operations.

Strategies for Performance Optimization

  • Database Queries: Optimize your database queries to run efficiently. Use filters to limit data retrieval to only what's necessary.
  • Element Loading: Prioritize loading for essential elements while deferring others. This technique, known as 'lazy loading', ensures that users can start interacting with the app sooner.
  • Reusable Elements: Create reusable elements which can be cached by the browser, reducing load times on subsequent visits.
  • Workflow Triggers: Be selective with workflow triggers. Excessive or unnecessary workflows can bog down performance.
  • Image Optimization: Ensure images are appropriately sized and compressed for the web to prevent lengthy load times.

By following these best practices, you can fine-tune your Bubble app's performance, offering users a smoother, more enjoyable experience. With careful attention to detail and a proactive approach to optimization, your Bubble app can operate at peak efficiency, leaving both you and your users happy with the results.


Bubble is a fantastic platform.

It has truly democratized application development, empowering non-technical founders in their quests to solve real world problems for their users.

However, like anything worth doing, there is a learning curve before you'll become a master.

If you have a vision for an awesome application that you'd like to build, but just don't have the Bubble skills necessary to make your vision come to live, feel free to reach out to me and the team at

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About The Author

Dennis Lewis, co-founder of, is a leading expert in building cutting-edge web applications using no-code platforms like He and his team have extensive experience building general business, web3 and social media applications.

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