Strong Point Games to Play Hard Thanks To The Experience Bank™

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A North East couple who developed their business whilst playing games during the pandemic have reached out to a philanthropic organisation that helps small businesses source invaluable advice from Board Advisors.
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Founder of The Experience BankTM, Peter Neal, was approached by Gillian Hauxwell and Simon Evans – the couple own Strong Point Games and recently launched their trivia game, Strong Point, which is currently for sale from Amazon, Travelling Man and their own website The pair also enjoyed a pop-up shop in John Lewis through the Great Brand Exchange.

Ready to grow their company both through increasing reach of Strong Point and developing new games, the entrepreneurs have engaged three board advisors thanks to Peter’s facilitation of introductions. Nick Hawkins, an esteemed barrister will be advising them on how to legally expand overseas, whilst brothers Dan and Joe Robson, of Robson and Robson, will be using their experience of scaling and selling a business.

Gillian, who has worked at Costco for 24 years, was responsible for designing Strong Point, after the pair came up with the concept in a light bulb moment. During the development process the pair worked together on the game mechanics. Simon used his talent, being a master at research and question writing whilst Gillain focused on the creative and design side. She said:

“We have a vision of expanding Strong Point into other versions such as Junior, Expert, Movies, Geography… the opportunities are endless and we have strong ideas for two more games too. We really need steering to keep us focused and on track. It has been great working with Peter. Both he and the people he has introduced us took time to understand the product, the concept and Si and I as people. A big thank you to Paul Lancaster who did the initial introduction and then to the Nat West Accelerator which had Peter as a speaker at an event we attended. It built our confidence and we knew this was the direction we needed to take our business in.”

The couple are looking forward to their first board meeting, to focus on growing B2B relationships and improving customer relations. Simon who is a freelance sports teacher following a long career in education said:

“Peter is such a chilled, likeable man, who is passionate about helping others. The way he is utilising The Experience BankTM to help others by paying it forward is admirable. Our future is bright thanks to meeting him and we can’t say thank you enough!”

When it comes to board games for adults and teenagers there are hours of fun to be had with Strong Point. That's not to say those younger ones won't be able to give players a run for your money too, with 200 different categories there's a Strong Point in there for everyone! Recommended age 14+ or play in teams with the kids...

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About The Author

Experience Bank Group incorporates The Experience Bank philanthropic, social enterprise company along with a commercial venture providing two, symbiotic services - EB Board Level Recruitment and EB High Performing Boards. With this combination of specialist expertise, the Experience Bank Group is uniquely positioned to help organisations ensure they have not only the right skills in the leadership team and boardroom but also optimum board performance with higher value creation. 5% of all revenue from Experience Bank Group is gifted to The Experience Bank social enterprise to enable more start-ups, early-stage businesses, charities and social enterprises access to high quality, advisory and non-executive talent.

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