LinkedIn for Professionals (using LinkedIn during lockdown as a key business development tool

Published 05/05/2020
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In the current lockdown situation LinkedIn has become one of the most important business networking tools. There has been a massive surge in people using the platform and the amount of time users are spending on LinkedIn.
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What if:
You’re not sure about how to get the very best from the platform?
You have been on LinkedIn for years, but never really “got it”?
You aren’t sure where to start, what to share or who to connect with?
This engaging session covers the following:
Creating a sensitive and professional business development approach on LinkedIn
Understanding how to use LinkedIn effectively and efficiently
Building engaging personal profiles that focus on building trust (critical while we are all on lockdown)
Finding existing contacts and growing your online network (getting ready for the “new normal”)
Sharing content to engage your networks
Using search (and advanced) searches to find new contacts
Creating a simple and effective follow up process (moving off LinkedIn and starting a discussion)
By the end of this video workshop you will be equipped with the tools and techniques you need to help others find you, helping them engage with you and helping to raise your online profile. This session is designed to help you create a focus on LinkedIn, helping you get the very best from one of the most effective business development tools you can use during this lockdown.
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