Competitive advantage: what digital tools are going to be used in 2021 to give brands an edge?

Published 10/12/2020
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Trying to remain ahead of the competition is always one of the central challenges for Digital Marketers. The digital landscape has opened up a multitude of skills and tools that executed to try and promote, track and maintain your brands, increase their visibility and ultimately increase sales (which is what we really want at the end of the day, right?!) They allow the savvy marketeers to find their key audiences, decide when is the right season to launch a product, and exact the very best time/day of the week for Adspend to maximize ROI.
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I think about this a lot, so here are 5 platforms that I see having a real tangible effect on Digital Marketing in 2021.

Google trends
- Free
- Google's data (#1 website by traffic)
- Very simple to use

- Basic functionality
- Limited demographics
- Not so smart data (no actionable insights)

Facebook Audience Insights
- Free access
- Facebook's data (#3 website by traffic)
- Insightful

- Slightly difficult to use (too many filters)
- Pre-determined search vs Free search
- Only Facebook data (Not IG, TikTok, Twitch, Reddit...)

- Social Media (IG, Twitter...)
- Smart use of AI and ML
- Consultancy projects

- EXPENSIVE (£41.000/year (min.))
- Difficult to use: BW Expert in-house.
- Coding Skills?

Google News
- Free
- Data Across all big Media Publishers
- Very simple to use

- Basic functionality
- No Enhanced data (top mentions, top entities, news sentiment, news clustering, and summary)
- Not available in all Countries (GoogleTrends on steroids)
- Data across Social Media (IG, TikTok, Twitch, Twitter...), Google data, global and local News and blogs.
- Identify trends and provide Market Intelligence and Customer Insights reports.
- Smart Data that is very simple to use

Which of the mentioned tools have you already tried? Please, drop your thoughts, ideas, or products in the comments below.
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